ProTrain, a leader in both online and in class “Education-2-Employment” certificate and certification programs is announcing a new monthly education scholarship program designed to help one new student each month realize their career goal. This program will offer 1 FREE course each month in the form of a scholarship to pay for a course that is highlighted in each respective month by ProTrain’s marketing reps. Each month, ProTrain will spotlight a different course.
How will ProTrain award this scholarship?
ProTrain, in conjunction with its advisory board and partners from the Continuing Education Training Institute (CETI) will evaluate student blogs that are submitted in that respective month. The advisory board will panel the blogs and award the best one submitted with a scholarship to take that month’s featured course for FREE. The rules for submission are simple – blogs must be 250 words or less. The blog must tell the scholarship panel why this featured course can help them reach their “education-2-employment” career pathway. Blogs must not exceed 250 words, and must be received before midnight on the last day of that month. The panel will then evaluate all blogs submitted on time; and a winner will be announced in the first week of the next month.
Betty Gardner, ProTrain’s CEO is excited to be sponsoring the Jump Start Scholarship saying, “Education is the one gift that we can give that has a life time annuity” and “we are proud to be able to help some of our students with this special ProTrain program”.
[mks_button size=”large” title=”Apply for the Jump Start Scholarship” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#902829″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”icon-pencil” icon_type=”sl”]