Discover how you can help your students be better prepared for the workforce by making professional certifications available to them.
Research shows that high school graduates with a professional certification have median earnings 22% higher than high school graduates without, while associate degree holders with a certification have median earnings 18% higher than those without (Source: CompTIA’s 2015 International Technology Adoption & Workforce Trends Study). Sanger Adult School serves a population of chronically under and unemployed residents in a high property and violent crime region who struggle with literacy and a high disability rate.
Sanger, like many high schools, needed to offer career and technical programs that led to a variety of careers in high demand high wage jobs but not to add staff or additional costs to the school. An additional consideration was the challenge of the above state average poverty in paying for the training and certification programs.
In less than three years, ProTrain has successfully held classes at Sanger Adult School and placed students into internships and careers. 97% of those who completed the programs are employed.
ProTrain is licensed by the North Carolina Community College System as an online proprietary school. We partner with education providers to offer professional certificates and certifications to their students. We have academic integrity and are able to provide turn-key online, live synchronous and in-classroom training for entry level positions.
Register NOW to see how your school can use this method to bring new concepts and success to your students.
Your presenters are ProTrain’s Trenton Hightower, VP of Strategic Partnerships, and Suzanne Kart, Director of Marketing, and Sanger Adult School’s Nancy Penny, Principal.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. If you can’t attend the live webinar, simply register and you will receive a recording of it.
Click here to register:
The live webinar will be held:
Wednesday, October 25
4 p.m. ET/ 3 p.m. CT/ 2 p.m. MT/ 1 p.m. PT