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Medical Coding Specialist Complete


Medical Coding Specialist Complete

With the Medical Coding Specialist program, you will gain the skills you need to enter one of the fastest-growing fields in allied health as a medical coding specialist. In this program, you will gain hands-on, practical experience working with the main coding manuals in the field. In addition you will be introduced to the new ICD-10-CM diagnosis coding system. You will also master the legal, ethical, and regulatory concepts that are central to this field.



Access Length

12 Months





Course Overview

With the Medical Coding program, you will gain the skills you need to enter one of the fastest-growing fields in allied health as a medical coding specialist. In this program, you will gain hands-on, practical experience working with the main coding manuals in the field. In addition you will be introduced to the new ICD-10-CM diagnosis coding system. You will also master the legal, ethical, and regulatory concepts that are central to this field. 

This course will provide you with key information about medical terminology systems. You will learn the key elements used to build medical terms. This will help you be able to decipher words on your own. You will also review body structure and the main systems of the human body. These include the integumentary, digestive, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems to name a select few. Through these learning experiences, you will learn how to recognize, pronounce. build and spell words related to the body structure. 

Participants will be asked to complete exercises at the end of each chapter as well as reference appendices in the back of the textbook to aid in the learning process. Furthermore, practice labs will be included in activities that will obtain credit for lessons with the course. 

Course Outline:

Medical Coding Career Prep Curriculum:
Lesson 1: Reimbursement, HIPAA and Compliance

In this lesson, you will learn about third-party reimbursement issues, such as Medicare, the definition of a participating provider, how to locate information in the Federal Register, the RBRVS system, the framework of Medicare Fraud, and the major components of managed health care. Finally, you will have the opportunity to put this information into practice by completing exercises and class activities.

Lesson 2: An Overview of ICD-10-CM

In this lesson, you will learn about t the ICD-10-CM format and the GEMs file, the Alphabetic Index and the Tabular List, and finally, you will have the opportunity to put this information into practice by using the I-9 to I-10 GEMs file and I-10 to I-9 GEMs file to map codes.

Lesson 3: ICD-10-CM Outpatient Coding and Reporting Guidelines

In this lesson, you will learn about ICD-10-CM Outpatient Coding and Reporting Guidelines. You will have the opportunity to put this information into practice by assigning codes to complete exercises and coding reports.

Lesson 4: Using ICD-10-CM

In this lesson, you will learn about ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting, General Coding Guidelines. You will have the opportunity to put this information into practice by assigning codes to complete exercises and coding reports.

Lesson 5: Chapter-Specific Guidelines (ICD-10-CM Chapters 1-10)

In this lesson you will learn how to apply ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting of infectious diseases, neoplasms, endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases, and immunity disorders, diseases of blood and blood-forming organs, mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system and sense organs, diseases of the circulatory system, and diseases of the respiratory system.

Lesson 6: Chapter-Specific Guidelines (ICD-10-CM Chapters 11-14)

In this lesson, you will learn to apply ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting of diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, disease of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissues.

Lesson 7: Chapter-Specific Guidelines (ICD-10-CM Chapters 15-21)

In this lesson you will learn to apply ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting of diseases of the pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium, certain conditions originating in the perinatal period, congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities, symptoms signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified, and injury and poisoning, and certain other consequences of external causes.

Lesson 8: Introduction to CPT and the Level II National Codes (HCPCS)

In this lesson, you will learn about the CPT manual, periodic updates to the manual, and the information that is required to properly code procedures and services. You will be introduced to the CPT manual format and categories of CPT codes, including proper use of modifiers. You will also have an opportunity to practice exercises to gain familiarity with how to locate terms in the CPT index and to identify content in the CPT appendices.

Lesson 9: Modifiers

In this lesson, you will learn about the use of modifiers to indicate delivery of services in nonstandard ways.

Lesson 10: Evaluation and Management (E/M) Services

In this lesson, you will learn about the information required to properly code procedures and services from the Evaluation and Management (E/M) section of the CPT. You will be exposed to the contents of the E/M section as well as the factors and conditions that affect the determination of the level of service. You will also have an opportunity to practice coding E/M services. Finally, you will be introduced to documentation guidelines for E/M services that apply to services delivered under Medicare/Medicaid.

Lesson 11: Anesthesia

In this lesson, you will learn about the methods of sedation and the formula used to determine to code for anesthesia services.

Lesson 12: Surgery Guidelines and General Surgery

In this lesson, you will learn about the Surgery section format, locate the notes and guidelines in the Surgery section, state the use of unlisted procedures, interpret elements of a special report, examine the designation of separate procedures, analyze contents of a surgical package, and determine the contents of the General Subsection.

Lesson 13: Integumentary System

In this lesson, you will learn how to code the procedures and services described in the Surgery Section and Integumentary System subsection of the CPT.

Lesson 14: Musculoskeletal System

In this lesson, you will learn about the Musculoskeletal System, including how the subsection is coded. Additional attention will be paid to fracture types and repair, application of casts and strapping, the General Subheading, and endoscopic procedures. You will have an opportunity to learn about these subdivisions and to practice coding procedures and services categorized in these subdivisions.

Lesson 15: Respiratory System

In this lesson, you will learn about the format of the Respiratory System subsection of the CPT. Special attention will be paid to the surgical procedures coded in this subsection and to procedures coded under additional subheadings of the nose, accessory sinuses, larynx, trachea and bronchi, and lungs and pleura. Students will also have an opportunity to practice coding procedures from the Respiratory System subsection of the CPT.

Lesson 16: Cardiovascular System

In this lesson, you will learn about the coding of procedures affecting the Cardiovascular System. You will cover coding from the Surgery, Medicine, and Radiology sections, as well as the major classes of procedures that apply in each system.

Lesson 17: Hemic, Lymphatic, Mediastinum, and Diaphragm

In this lesson, you will learn about the codes used to report services involving the Hemic and Lymphatic Systems and the Mediastinum and Diaphragm. Subsection formats and subheadings are also discussed. Finally, you will have the opportunity to complete coding exercises that require the student to assign procedural and diagnostic codes.

Lesson 18: Digestive System

In this lesson, you will learn about the codes used to report services associated with the Digestive System. Coding for services involving the digestive system and subsection formats will be discussed. Finally, you will have the opportunity to practice applying the above information by assigning procedural and diagnostic codes for exercises and coding reports.

Lesson 19: Urinary and Male Genital Systems

In this lesson, you will learn about the codes used to report services associated with the Urinary and Male Genital Systems. Coding for services involving the urinary system and male genital system and subsection formats will be discussed. Finally, you will have the opportunity to practice applying the above information by assigning procedural and diagnostic codes for exercises and coding reports.

Lesson 20: Reproductive, Intersex Surgery, Female Genital System, and Maternity Care and Delivery

In this lesson, you will learn about coding procedures of the Reproductive System, Intersex Surgeries, and also those that affect the Female Genital System. Coding practices, critical terms, and services for maternity care and delivery will also be discussed. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to analyze abortion procedures.

Lesson 21: Endocrine and Nervous Systems

In this lesson, you will learn about the codes used to report services associated with the Endocrine and Nervous systems. Subsection formats and subheadings are also discussed. Finally, you will have the opportunity to complete coding exercises that require you to assign procedural and diagnostic codes.

Lesson 22: Eye, Ocular Adnexa, Auditory, and Operating Microscope

In this lesson, you will learn about codes used to report services associated with the eye, ocular adnexa, auditory, and the operating microscope. Coding for services involving the eye and ocular adnexa and the auditory system is discussed. Finally, you will have the opportunity to complete coding exercises that require the student to assign procedural and diagnostic codes.

Lesson 23: Radiology

In this lesson, you will learn about codes used to report services associated with radiology services. You will be shown radiology terminology, component coding, elements of the global procedure, and appropriate coding of contrast material. Finally, you also will have the opportunity to put this information into practice by assigning codes to complete exercises and coding reports.

Lesson 24: Pathology/Laboratory

In this lesson, you will learn about codes used to report services associated with radiology services. You will be shown radiology terminology, component coding, elements of the global procedure, and appropriate coding of contrast material. Finally, you also will have the opportunity to put this information into practice by assigning codes to complete exercises and coding reports.

Lesson 25: Medicine

In this lesson, you will learn about the codes in the Medicine section of the CPT manual. You will have the opportunity to put this information into practice by completing exercises and coding reports that require the use of codes in the Medicine section.

Lesson 26: Inpatient Coding

In this lesson, you will learn about Inpatient Coding and Reporting while being able to differentiate between inpatient and outpatient coding and will examine the ICD-10-PCS system.

Medical Terminology Career Prep Curriculum:
Lesson 1: Medical Terminology Basics

This lesson will help you be able to Identify the four-word elements used to build medical words. You will also learn how to divide medical words into their component parts and apply the basic rules to define and build medical words. You will learn how to interpret pronunciation marks so you can pronounce medical terms presented in this chapter.

Lesson 2: Body Structures

One of the most important parts of the course is understanding the organization of the body. While each person is unique in their own right, the way we are assembled as humans (in a general sense are nearly the same). For this lesson, upon understanding the different levels, planes, and regions of the body, participants will learn how to properly pronounce terms related to a body structure. Documenting health care activities will conclude this part of the course through the assigned activities provided.

Lesson 3: Integumentary, Digestive and Respiratory Systems

The third lesson of the course begins the comprehensive review of the major parts of the body. In this case, the first three (3) in focus are the integumentary, digestive, and respiratory systems. Better put, this lesson will provide comprehensive details and knowledge to understand medical terms specific to one’s skin, digestive, and breathing systems. Anatomy and physiology reviews are included in the reading material so participants can not only comprehend terminology but also view where it is often located in these parts of the body. Additional supplemental materials located in the back of the text are available as additional study aids and reference for this and other core portions of the course.

Lesson 4: Cardiovascular, Blood, Lymphatic and Immune Systems

Continuing the discussion of core body systems, the fourth lesson reviews more specific systems which blood commonly flows through. This includes cardiovascular systems such as the heart, lymphatic systems, and more. Similar to other course lessons that focus on body systems, one will need to comprehend the aforementioned knowledge plus an understanding of various diseases or body issues that may result when malfunctions may occur. As mentioned in the previous lesson, additional supplemental materials located in the back of the text are available as additional study aids and reference for this and other core portions of the course.

Lesson 5: Musculoskeletal, Urinary, and Reproductive Systems

The fifth lesson of the course continues the focus of core body systems that medical professionals must understand in order to properly convey and use terms correctly. This lesson goes into great detail about musculoskeletal, urinary, and reproductive systems. These body systems are often dependent on others working properly and failure of those having issues or deficiencies will likely cause these to do the same or at worse fail. Participants should pay particular focus to the reproductive systems and their respective terms as they only apply to their gender and at times, it can be easy to confuse their respective terminologies. As part of a major reoccurring theme for the course, additional supplemental materials located in the back of the text are available as additional study aids and reference.

Lesson 6: Endocrine Systems

The second to last part of the course focuses on an ever-increasing medical base within the United States and the world – endocrinology. Endocrine systems provide the necessary functionality to help keep equilibrium within one’s body and nutrients (e.g. glucose and insulin) to keep that balance in place. Hence, thyroid and diabetes care increasing in need, medical professionals must have a strong grasp of common terminology used in this space so that it can be communicated properly and effectively to patients and other medical personnel. To aid in the learning experiences in this important section of the course, additional supplemental materials located in the back of the text are recommended to be used in conjunction with required reading assignments.

Lesson 7: Nervous System and Special Senses

In the final lesson, participants will learn about one body system and special senses. You will be able to locate the major organs of each and describe their structure and function. You will also better understand how each relates to others in the body. You will also learn how to pronounce, spell, and build words related to all both. You will gain an understanding of diseases, conditions, and procedures related to each one as well. You will learn about pharmacology related to the treatment of disorders in each.  One is encouraged to apply cumulative learning experiences to the comprehension of terms learned here as well as additional resources that immediately follow this chapter in the text.

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