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EKG Technician – Live Online


EKG Technician – Live Online

The course will combine theory and practice to provide instruction in all aspects of EKG technology and patient care. Students will learn about the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, appropriate patient care, and how to properly conduct an electrocardiogram (ECG). The course will also provide students knowledge as to how to diagnose different rhythms discovered through ECG tests. Additional topics that students will learn about is the use of pacemakers as well as ECG cardiogram artifacts and the 12-leag ECG and acute myocardial infarction. Upon completing this course, students will have gained knowledge and confidence to be able to move one step closer to take either the AMCA EKG Technician Certification (ETC) national certification exam or the NHA EKG Technician Certification (CET) national certification exam.



Access Length

Schedule Varies


Instructor Led



Course Overview

This Live Online version of this program has been removed from the National Schedule. At this time, the Live Online course may only be scheduled as a private cohort for partners with a minimum of 7 students.

In its place, this course is now being offered with a Live Instructor Mentored option. Please contact us for more details.

Enrollment requests submitted later than one week prior to a course launch date are subject to approval. Advertised dates do not reflect available slots in a cohort.

39 Hours Synchronous Learning / 39 Hours Online Learning

The course will combine theory and practice to provide instruction in all aspects of EKG technology and patient care.  Students will learn about the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, appropriate patient care, and how to properly conduct an electrocardiogram (ECG).  The course will also provide students knowledge as to how to diagnose different rhythms discovered through ECG tests. Additional topics that students will learn about is the use of pacemakers as well as ECG cardiogram artifacts and the 12-leag ECG and acute myocardial infarction. Upon completing this course, students will have gained knowledge and confidence to be able to move one step closer to take either the AMCA EKG Technician Certification (ETC) national certification exam or the NHA EKG Technician Certification (CET) national certification exam.

Recommended Prerequisites:  High School Graduate or GED holder.

Course Exam:

Upon completing this course, students will have gained knowledge and confidence to be able to move one step closer to take either the AMCA EKG Technician Certification (ETC) national certification exam or the NHA EKG Technician Certification (CET) national certification exam.


NHA: Students have to complete at least 10 EKGs on live individuals.

AMCA: Recommends a minimum of 10 successful EKG’s. The laws and regulations pertaining to minimum requirements and the allied health industry vary by state. It is highly recommended that test candidates familiarize themselves with their particular states rules and regulations regarding certification requirements.

Course Outline:

Lesson 1: Anatomy & Physiology of The Heart and Cardiovascular System

The first lesson of the course focuses on the anatomy and physiology of the heart and cardiovascular system. Students will need to gain an understanding of how one of the most important organs and systems of the body function so that they are able to comprehend results from an electrocardiogram (ECG) to determine the next steps. As one will notice, there are numerous working pieces of the cardiovascular system and heart that can affect outcomes when tests are done.

Lesson 2: The Electrocardiogram (ECG)

The main method of measurement of heart scans is the electrocardiogram machine (ECG). This machine provides the data that EKG professionals use to determine if there are abnormalities in one’s heart and cardiovascular system. This lesson goes over an in-depth on how to properly use one of these devices as well as the process of recording results properly and accurately. 

Lesson 3: Sinoatrial Node & Atrial Arrhythmias

There are numerous ways to determine whether or not the rhythms that come through a test are normal or not. This lesson focuses on the sinoatrial node arrhythmias and how sinuses can affect the outcomes of ECG scans of the heart and cardiovascular system. The other part of this lesson focuses on atrial arrhythmias. These are more concerned with atrial flutters, fibrillations, and Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome.

Lesson 4: Junctional and Ventricular Arrhythmias

The fourth lesson of the course gives students knowledge of two additional types of arrhythmias. In this lesson, one will learn about junctional and ventricular arrhythmias. One should note that here rhythms may be accelerated when compared to normal rhythms a patient may often experience. Also, premature ventricular contractions can happen in a number of different ways. One other topic of note for this lesson is the concept of pulseless electrical activity which may be due to trauma amongst other reasons as provided by the author. 

Lesson 5: Atrioventrical & Bundle Branch Blocks and Artificial Cardiac Pacemakers

When reviewing the results of the cardiovascular system and heart rhythms, there are times where blockages may be discovered. This lesson analyzes the different types of atrioventricular and bundle branch blocks that a patient may experience. With regard to the atrioventricular blocks,  there are different degrees of blockage that the author talks about that are important to learn and spot-on readings. The other part of this lesson provides insight into artificial cardiac pacemakers and understanding readings that one may see if a patient has one.

Lesson 6: ECG Artifacts, The 12-Lead ECG, and Acute Myocardial Infarctions

Once an ECG (or also known as an EKG) has been completed on a patient, it is time to review the results of the data that was collected. When looking at ECG artifacts, there is the potential that readings may result in inaccurate conclusions or more questions than answers. This lesson of the course provides an overview of how to accurately interpret and share results with the patient. This is in addition to simple conclusions that are the result of a 12-Lead ECG and acute myocardial infarctions.

Lesson 7: Reviewing ECG Scans

The final lesson of the course requires students to complete practice exams that are provided within the remaining four (4) chapters of the textbook. These practice exercises are crucial to complete correctly so that one is adequately equipped to diagnose readings when in the field and with a patient.

Instructional Strategies:

  • Lecture
  • Skills Demonstration
  • Group Activities
  • Individual Activities

Methods of Evaluation:

  • Quizzes & Exams
  • Skills Demonstration
  • Written Assignments

Instructor Biography:

Coming soon!

Grading System:

Student must pass all quizzes, exams, and national exam (if applicable) at a passing rate to be eligible for a Certificate of  Training Completion. If an internship is included in your course you will be required to complete the internship prior to receiving a Certificate of Training Completion.


Students are expected to arrive on time and participate in course discussions. Successful completion of the course of study recommends 100% attendance. If during the course period the student’s attendance level drops below 80%, they will be encouraged and given the opportunity to attend the next scheduled class for the course they enrolled in. Should materials change, student is responsible for all additional cost.

Payment Plan Policy:

Students may withdraw from the program for any reason up to 1 week prior to the start of program. In this case, the student’s payment plan agreement shall be rescinded. If the payment plan has begun a non-refundable administrative fee of $25.00 will be assessed and remaining funds will be returned to payer in check form by mail. 

Refund Policy: 

There can be no refund for the course, once the first class has been concluded; or if any course material, including the eBook, is accessed. If extenuating circumstances exist, case by case situations will be reviewed by ProTrain. If a refund is issued, the refunded amount (- a $25 processing fee) will be dependent upon books being returned in excellent condition (i.e. no writing, missing pages; ripped or damage to pages and/or binding).

Re-Admission Policy:

Any student who has dropped out of the program, or has been suspended from the program for nonattendance may be readmitted within one year by completing a personal interview with the director of education and paying any applicable fees at the time of readmission. Students who were terminated due to conduct issues are not eligible to be readmitted.

Policy on Student Conduct:

Appropriate Conduct: All students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly and professional manner. Any student not conducting themselves in an orderly and professional manner, which includes use of drugs and alcohol during school hours, dishonesty, disrupting classes, use of profanity, excessive tardiness, insubordination, violation of safety rules, improper usage of lab or classroom computers, or not abiding by the school rules will lead to either probation or dismissal from classes.

System Requirements.

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